Heel Spur Treatment Tips

Don't Ignore These Three Early Warning Signs of Hyperglycaemia

Diabetes occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to provide the body with an adequate amount of insulin. Normally released by the pancreas, insulin is what allows sugar (glucose) to pass from the bloodstream into your body's cells, supplying them with energy in the process. If there isn't enough insulin available, glucose will not be able to enter. The cells will become starved of energy, and the amount of glucose in the bloodstream will become too high.

This condition is referred to as hyperglycaemia. If you have been diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it is possible for the body to become hyperglycaemic, in which case you need to watch out for the following three early warning signs.  

1. Excessive Urination and Thirst

Your body will know that too much glucose is being kept in the bloodstream. However, with a lack of insulin ensuring that glucose cannot be transferred to cells as it should, your body's only option is to flush the glucose out. In order to do so, the glucose must be passed through the kidneys and flushed out with urine. Unfortunately, glucose needs to take plenty of water along with it, which is why hyperglycaemia is almost always associated with increased urination. You will probably feel thirsty and dehydrated no matter how much you drink because the body is using all of that water to flush out glucose.

2. Fatigue and Hunger

The modern world has seen people working more and sleeping less, so fatigue is not uncommon. However, hyperglycaemia often feels more like a sudden crash; in a sense, it is the opposite of what happens when most people get a "sugar rush" after ingesting a lot of sugar. After all, your body's cells will be unable to energise themselves with the glucose they need, so you may suddenly feel tired and lethargic despite having had plenty to eat. In fact, hyperglycaemia also creates a strong sense of hunger that cannot seem to be satiated.

3. Blurred Vision

One of the most troubling effects of hyperglycaemia is a blurriness of vision. This mainly occurs due to the dehydration caused by excessive urination. This might not sound like something that would have any impact on your vision, but the eye needs your body to remain hydrated in order to focus properly; when the lens of the eye becomes dried out, it actually warps slightly. The effects are likely to be subtle at first before becoming more disruptive and noticeable.

Talk to a family doctor near you to learn more if you are seeing these signs in yourself.
