Heel Spur Treatment Tips

What to Expect in a Hearing Test

As we get older, we grow more and more likely to need some assistance with our hearing.  It's part of the human condition and is extremely common. Still, people feel embarrassed and concerned by this perfectly normal condition.  However, if people can bring themselves to admit their problem and seek help, even severe cases of hearing loss can be helped.  The first step is to take a hearing test.  Even just the word 'test' is enough to strike fear into many of our hearts, but in truth, hearing tests couldn't be less intimidating.  Here's a quick run-down of what might happen at your hearing test.


You'll start with a small consultation with the person conducting your test.  Hearing loss isn't just about the inability to hear quiet sounds, so they'll ask you about a wide variety of things relating to your hearing.  For example, do very loud sounds cause you discomfort or pain?  Do you find it hard to distinguish words as people speak?  Answering these questions will help the consultant to best assist you.  At this stage, don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have, and don't feel embarrassed if you should struggle to hear the consultant.  This is extremely common, and they will be both patient and well-positioned to help you.

Pure Tone Audiometry

One of the most common ways of testing your hearing is to play you a series of beeping and whistling sounds.  You will simply be asked to press a button when you can hear a sound.  This establishes the range of sounds you can hear.

Air Conduction and Bone Conduction

These tests will confirm the cause of any hearing loss you may be experiencing.  Air conduction is tested by playing sounds for you through a pair of headphones.  Bone conduction is tested by applying a small, painless vibrator device behind your ear.  From these two simple tests, your consultant will be able to identify your difficulties, if any.  You may also undertake a speech discrimination test, which judges your ability to distinguish words from one another.


Once your test is complete, your consultant will be able to make a recommendation.  If your hearing could be helped by a hearing aid, they will assist you in finding one that's suitable.  Don't worry - modern hearing aids are discreet, and need not be a cause for embarrassment.

As you can see, there's absolutely nothing to be concerned or nervous about with regards to a hearing test.  It's comprised of a set of very simple procedures which your consultant will be happy to guide you through - and if the result is getting you a hearing aid, which can significantly improve your quality of life, then it's certainly worth your time.
