4 Things to Avoid to Make Your Pap Test Its Most Effective
It is currently recommended that all women aged between 18 and 69 who have ever been sexually active should be scheduling regular Pap tests, also known as Pap smears. Pap tests are vital to check for any signs of cervical cancer, which often fails to present symptoms noticeable during everyday life until the person in question has reached its advanced stages. In fact, 80% of cervical cancer develops in women who have either never been screened or aren't being screened regularly.
Of course, there are certain things you should avoid to make sure you Pap smear is effective.
1. Having Intercourse
Crossing sex off your to-do list for a day or two before having your Pap smear isn't likely to make the procedure one you look forward to more, but it's a very good idea to avoid intercourse during that time. The point of having a Pap smear is to have your fluids checked for the abnormal cells that could indicate cervical cancer. Having sex, especially without using a condom, can wash away or obscure those cells, making an effective reading much harder to take.
2. Washing Excessively
Women often feel more than a little self-conscious about going in for a Pap smear. This is natural, but you should never prepare by cleaning your body in any other way than you normally would. Taking a bath or shower as you normally would will take care of basic hygiene, but you definitely don't need to use a douche or aggressively clean yourself. Doing so will only wash away any abnormal cells, defeating the purpose of having a Pap test in the first place.
3. Having Your Period
Okay, obviously the world would be a much nicer place if you really could just avoid having your period without getting pregnant. Sometimes your menstrual cycle can throw you a curveball, but you should try your best to schedule a Pap smear at least a week or so before your period is due to start. Though a pap smear can be carried out during your period, this isn't optimal, and it can be particularly tough during times of heavy flow. If do notice that your period has started, it's best to call your nurse or doctor to see if you need to reschedule.
4. Forgetting Your Previous Paperwork
If you have previously had any abnormal Pap test results, your doctor needs to be able to know the exact results, as well as those of subsequent tests. It is not enough to be able to tell them yourself what you remember from previous doctors. You will also need to inform your doctor about any previous biopsy or colposcopy; again, the paperwork for such treatments should be brought along with you.