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3 Benefits of a Strong Pelvic Floor

If you are pregnant, you may not have considered the importance of strengthening your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is made up of the muscles in the pelvic area. During pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles play an important role in carrying the baby and giving birth. Your obstetrician can help you work on your pelvic floor by teaching you how to perform Kegel exercises. Read on to find out everything you need to know about the benefits of strengthening your pelvic floor.

Strong pelvic muscles make giving birth easier.

When you enter active labour, you will use a large number of muscles in your body to push your baby down the birth canal. One group of these muscles are those found in the pelvic floor. Kegel exercises, which involve clenching the muscles you would use if you wanted to stop urinating mid-flow, can help you to give your pelvic floor a workout. Your obstetrician will be able to advise you on the frequency and duration of each Kegel exercise.

Strong pelvic muscles help you to carry your child.

As your baby grows, the increased weight can place an incredible strain on your body. However, by performing Kegel exercises on a frequent basis, you can build up your muscles so your body can properly support your growing child. This can help to reduce back pain and feelings of fatigue. 

You can reduce the risk of post-birth complications.

Women who have weak pelvic floors may be at increased risk of complications following the birth of their child. For example, some women develop urinary incontinence, which can lead to embarrassing situations in which they wet themselves when out in public. A weak pelvic floor can also lead to perineal tears. This is when the skin between the vaginal and the anus rips during childbirth. If you have weak pelvic muscles, you may also find it takes longer for you to recover from the physical trauma of giving birth. By working on your strengthening your pelvic muscles, you can reduce the chance of experiencing any these things post-birth, which will mean you will be able to focus entirely on caring for your lovely newborn baby.

If you are interested in finding out more about your pelvic floor and how Kegel exercises can help you to strengthen it, you should make contact with your obstetrician today. They will be happy to discuss this subject before offering you further guidance and support.
