Various Prenatal Tests Your Obstetrician Will Prescribe in Your First Trimester
Although pregnancy and birth is something that happens across all species and from the beginning of time, it is still one of the most complex journeys that a woman will take. Although some individuals believe that it simply involves carrying a baby to term and then delivery, the reality is that both mother and child face a multitude of risks throughout this period. To ensure that you and your baby are fine, your obstetrician will recommend various tests during the early months of your pregnancy. Some of these will be screening tests, which work to detect the potential of an issue, whereas others will be diagnostic tests, which function to identify an underlying problem. To help you learn more about these examinations, here are a few of the various prenatal tests that your obstetrician will prescribe in your first trimester.
Blood tests
Undoubtedly, blood tests are some of the most frequent tests that you will undergo throughout your pregnancy. The reason for their frequency is that the obstetrician will be checking for different things at varying stages of your pregnancy. In the first trimester, though, the blood tests as specific functions. First, you will have to undergo these tests to check your blood type as well as your RH factor. RH factor is important because if yours is positive and your partner's is negative, there is a high likelihood of you producing antibodies that will be hazardous to the foetus. Hence, discovering this early is critical if you are to prevent any undue harm to your unborn child. Other reasons why your obstetrician will recommend blood tests in the first trimester is to check for conditions such as HIV, hepatitis B, anaemia, syphilis and more.
At the beginning of your pregnancy, you will not be able to make out any features of your foetus since it will be quite small. However, the initial ultrasound is essential since this will help with confirming the presence of a heartbeat. Nonetheless, this is not the only reason why you will undergo an ultrasound. This test is also important for determining the position of the baby as well as the shape of the foetus. Your obstetrician may also prescribe a transvaginal ultrasound, which entails inserting a probe directly into the vagina. This type of ultrasound is carried out to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, which happens when the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterus.