When you've been suffering from some unusual but persistent pains and the doctor has not been able to identify the cause quickly, they may recommend that you go for an ultrasound examination. If you've never done this before and do not know what's involved, you may be curious about the process or maybe a little nervous as well. So what exactly is an ultrasound, and how does it work?
Sound Wave Technology
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4 Common Women Healthcare Issues that Health Care Clinics Treat
Prevention is the best way to keep health problems away. Women are vulnerable to a wide range of health complications in their lifetime. Some of the conditions are general, and others relate to their reproductive health. For example, women have a higher risk for breast cancer than men and exclusively suffer from cervical cancer. Here are four other women's health care issues that need medical professionals to manage.
1. Gynaecological Health
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Various Prenatal Tests Your Obstetrician Will Prescribe in Your First Trimester
Although pregnancy and birth is something that happens across all species and from the beginning of time, it is still one of the most complex journeys that a woman will take. Although some individuals believe that it simply involves carrying a baby to term and then delivery, the reality is that both mother and child face a multitude of risks throughout this period. To ensure that you and your baby are fine, your obstetrician will recommend various tests during the early months of your pregnancy.
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3 Reasons to Switch to Digital Hearing Aids
If you're still wearing analogue hearing aids, then now might be the time to switch to a digital pair. Digital hearing aid technology has benefits that you're missing out on right now. What are they?
1. Improve the Quality of Your Hearing
Your current hearing aids help you hear better by replicating sounds and making them louder. While this process works, it's not a perfect solution.
For example, your hearing aids can't differentiate between speech and background noise.
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