Symptoms Of Potential Kidney Cancer That Should Have You Seeking Treatment
Your kidneys, identified by their bean shape, have multiple responsibilities. Not only do they function to ensure toxins are filtered as your blood circulates, but are also responsible for regulating your blood pressure, the formation of your red blood cells as well as the production of urine. The amazing thing about your kidneys is that even if you lose one, the other one will take over all these functions, and you will lead a normal life.
3 Benefits of a Strong Pelvic Floor
If you are pregnant, you may not have considered the importance of strengthening your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is made up of the muscles in the pelvic area. During pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles play an important role in carrying the baby and giving birth. Your obstetrician can help you work on your pelvic floor by teaching you how to perform Kegel exercises. Read on to find out everything you need to know about the benefits of strengthening your pelvic floor.